1. When your organisation,school or college has blocked to install the torrent softwares or clients like bittorent .then numerous web based torrent websites that allow to bypass any firewalls on your network that block torrents:-www.Bitlet.com , www.torrentrelay.com(Not Free) www.btaccel.com
2.when your organisation has blocked the download of .torrent files ..then you can bypass this firewall easily by using http://txtor.dwerg.net/ which allows you to download the torrent file by changing its extension to txt,then its extension can be again changed to torrent one.

3.when your organisation has blocked both of the above 2 conditions ..then you can usewww.torrent2exe.com which convert .torrent to .exe files and download them bypassing basic firewalls.
You can various addons like torrents for Mozzila firefox Various Addons for other browsers are firetorrent,firestorm,allpeers(which u can search on google,as google is a best friend of hackers and add it in your browser)
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2.when your organisation has blocked the download of .torrent files ..then you can bypass this firewall easily by using http://txtor.dwerg.net/ which allows you to download the torrent file by changing its extension to txt,then its extension can be again changed to torrent one.

3.when your organisation has blocked both of the above 2 conditions ..then you can usewww.torrent2exe.com which convert .torrent to .exe files and download them bypassing basic firewalls.
You can various addons like torrents for Mozzila firefox Various Addons for other browsers are firetorrent,firestorm,allpeers(which u can search on google,as google is a best friend of hackers and add it in your browser)
if u like my post Then Please Comment..
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If you want to access any blocked site then for this you do not need for proxy list. You need this link to open any blocked site in your home, school, or at work.
ReplyDeleteMoviestar Planet UK proxy
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ReplyDeleteMr. David Werner you wudn't need that thing too..
ReplyDeleteGood work Mohammed Abdus Subhan ,
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